Bone Biology Forum

20th Bone Biology Forum
Date: August 23(Fri.) - 24(Sat.), 2024
Meeting Format: Hybrid(In-person and online)
Venue: Bayside Hotel Azure Takeshiba

Poster: Click here!

Program: Click here!

We are delighted to welcome all participants to the joint 20th BBF.

We have outstanding international and national special lecturers - Prof. Roland Baron(Harvard Medical School), Prof. Yuichi Tei(The Unicersity of Tokyou), Prof. Shizuo Akira(Osaka University).

We look forward to seeing many of you in person, and we are also delighted to welcome those who will be joining us Online.

Hope to see you there!

Toshio Matsumoto, M.D., Ph.D. (Tokushima University)
Toshiyuki Yoneda, D.D.S.,Ph.D. (Osaka University)
Sakae Tanaka, M.D., Ph.D. (The University of Tokyo)

Academic Square Co., LTD 2-348-302,
Ryogae-machi Fushimi-ku Kyoto, 612-8082 Japan
TEL : +81-75-468-8772 FAX : +81-75-468-8773
E-Mail : bbf(at)
*Please replace (at) with @.

19th meeting of Bone Biology Forum, 2023

20th meeting
Special Lecturers

Roland Baron

Yuichi Tei

Shizuo Akira